get('category')) { if (!preg_match('/^[1-9][0-9]*$/', $category)) { trigger_error("Failed get category: {$category}", E_USER_WARNING); return; } $module->category = $category; } else if ($section = $params->get('section')) { if (!preg_match('/^[1-9][0-9]*$/', $section)) { trigger_error("Failed get section: {$section}", E_USER_WARNING); return; } $module->section = $section; } else { trigger_error("Failed get section/category", E_USER_WARNING); return; } $module->mosimage = $params->get('mosimage') ? true : false; $module->orderby = $params->get('orderby_sec'); $module->limit = $params->get('limit', 10); if (!preg_match('/^[1-9][0-9]*$/', $module->limit)) { trigger_error("Failed get limit: {$module->limit}", E_USER_WARNING); return; } $module->template_list = $params->get('template_list'); if (!$module->template_list) { trigger_error("Failed get template list", E_USER_WARNING); return; } $module->template_list = str_replace('
', "", $module->template_list); $module->template_item = $params->get('template_item'); if (!$module->template_item) { trigger_error("Failed get template item", E_USER_WARNING); return; } $module->template_item = str_replace('
', "", $module->template_item); $module->show(); } /** @var int of section id */ var $section = 0; /** @var int of category id */ var $category = 0; /** @var string of orderby section */ var $orderby = ''; /** @var string of template for list */ var $template_list = ''; /** @var string of template for item */ var $template_item = ''; /** @var int of item limit */ var $limit = 0; /** @var boolean of mosimage flag */ var $mosimage = true; /** * 表示処理 */ function show() { global $mainframe; global $mosConfig_absolute_path; global $database; global $my; global $_MAMBOTS; require_once "{$mosConfig_absolute_path}/includes/patTemplate/patTemplate.php"; /* @var patTemplate */ $template =& patFactory::createTemplate(); $template->addGlobalVar('br', '
'); /* @var Section/category WHERE 条件 */ $where = ''; if ($this->category) { /* カテゴリ指定 */ $category = $this->getCategory($this->category); if (!$category) { trigger_error("Failed get category: {$this->category}", E_USER_WARNING); return; } $where = "con.catid = ".$database->Quote($this->category); $template->addGlobalVar('category_id', $category->id); $template->addGlobalVar('category_name', $category->name); $template->addGlobalVar('category_title', $category->title); $template->addGlobalVar('category_image', $category->image); $template->addGlobalVar('category_description', $category->description); $section = $this->getSection($category->section); $template->addGlobalVar('section_id', $section->id); $template->addGlobalVar('section_name', $section->name); $template->addGlobalVar('section_title', $section->title); $template->addGlobalVar('section_image', $section->image); $template->addGlobalVar('section_description', $section->description); /* カテゴリ指定 ここまで */ } else if ($this->section) { /* セクション指定 */ $section = $this->getSection($this->section); if (!$section) { trigger_error("Failed get section: {$this->section}", E_USER_WARNING); return; } $where = "con.sectionid = ".$database->Quote($this->section); $template->addGlobalVar('section_id', $section->id); $template->addGlobalVar('section_name', $section->name); $template->addGlobalVar('section_title', $section->title); $template->addGlobalVar('section_image', $section->image); $template->addGlobalVar('section_description', $section->description); /* セクション指定 ここまで */ } else { trigger_error("Failed get section/category", E_USER_WARNING); return; } $gid = $my->gid; $nowdate = $database->Quote(_CURRENT_SERVER_TIME); $nulldate = $database->Quote($database->getNullDate()); $orderby = ''; switch ( $this->orderby ) { case 'date': $orderby = 'con.created'; break; case 'rdate': $orderby = 'con.created DESC'; break; case 'alpha': $orderby = 'con.title'; break; case 'ralpha': $orderby = 'con.title DESC'; break; case 'hits': $orderby = 'con.hits DESC'; break; case 'rhits': $orderby = 'con.hits'; break; case 'order': $orderby = 'con.ordering'; break; case 'author': $orderby = 'con.created_by_alias,'; break; case 'rauthor': $orderby = 'con.created_by_alias DESC, DESC'; break; default: $orderby = 'con.ordering'; break; } $orderby and $orderby .= ','; $orderby .= ''; $query = <<<__SQL__ SELECT con.* , as 'created_by_name' , as 'modified_by_name' FROM #__content as con JOIN #__categories as cat ON con.catid = JOIN #__sections as sec ON con.sectionid = LEFT JOIN #__users as cusr ON con.created_by = LEFT JOIN #__users as musr ON con.modified_by = WHERE {$where} AND con.state = 1 AND cat.published = 1 AND sec.published = 1 AND (con.publish_up = {$nulldate} OR con.publish_up <= {$nowdate}) AND (con.publish_down = {$nulldate} OR con.publish_down >= {$nowdate}) AND con.access <= {$gid} AND cat.access <= {$gid} AND sec.access <= {$gid} ORDER BY {$orderby} __SQL__; $database->setQuery($query, 0, $this->limit); $rows = $database->loadObjectList(); if ($database->getErrorNum()) { trigger_error("Failed query: ".$database->getErrorNum()." ".$database->getErrorMsg(), E_USER_WARNING); return; } $items = ''; $nulldate = $database->getNullDate(); $params = new mosParameters("introtext=1\nintro_only=0"); $params->set('image', $this->mosimage); $_MAMBOTS->loadBotGroup( 'content' ); foreach ($rows as $row) { $row->introtext = str_replace('{mod_kingyoya_content_list}', '', $row->introtext); $row->fulltext = str_replace('{mod_kingyoya_content_list}', '', $row->fulltext); $row->text = $row->introtext.'{mod_kingyoya_content_list}'.$row->fulltext; $results = botMosImage(true, $row, $params); list($row->introtext,$row->fulltext) = explode('{mod_kingyoya_content_list}', $row->text); $template->addVar('main', 'id', $row->id); $template->addVar('main', 'title', $row->title); $template->addVar('main', 'title_alias', $row->title_alias ? $row->title_alias : $row->title); $template->addVar('main', 'introtext', $row->introtext); $template->addVar('main', 'fulltext', $row->fulltext); $template->addVar('main', 'publish_up', $row->publish_up === $nulldate ? '' : $row->publish_up); $template->addVar('main', 'publish_down', $row->publish_down === $nulldate ? '' : $row->publish_down); $template->addVar('main', 'created', $row->created); $template->addVar('main', 'modified', $row->modified); $template->addVar('main', 'created_by', $row->created_by); $template->addVar('main', 'modified_by', $row->modified_by); $template->addVar('main', 'created_by_name', $row->created_by_alias ? $row->created_by_alias : $row->created_by_name); $template->addVar('main', 'modified_by_name', $row->modified_by_name); $template->addVar('main', 'hits', $row->hits); if (!$this->category) { $category = $this->getCategory($row->catid); $template->addVar('main', 'category_id', $category->id); $template->addVar('main', 'category_name', $category->name); $template->addVar('main', 'category_title', $category->title); $template->addVar('main', 'category_image', $category->image); $template->addVar('main', 'category_description', $category->description); } $template_item = "{$this->template_item}"; $template->readTemplatesFromInput($template_item, 'String'); $result = $template->getParsedTemplate('main'); if (patErrorManager::isError($result)) { trigger_error("Failed parse template item", E_USER_WARNING); return; } $items .= $result; $template->freeTemplate('main'); } $template_list = "{$this->template_list}"; $template->addVar('main', 'items', $items); $template->readTemplatesFromInput($template_list, 'String'); $result = $template->displayParsedTemplate('main'); if (patErrorManager::isError($result)) { trigger_error("Failed parse template list", E_USER_WARNING); return; } } /** * カテゴリ情報を取得 * @param int of category id * @return mosCategory */ function getCategory($id) { static $categories = array(); if (!isset($categories[$id])) { global $database; $category =& new mosCategory($database); $result = $category->load($id); if (!$result) { trigger_error("Unknown category: {$id}", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $categories[$id] =& $category; } return $categories[$id]; } /** * セクション情報を取得 * @param int of section id * @return mosSection */ function getSection($id) { static $sections = array(); if (!isset($sections[$id])) { global $database; $section =& new mosSection($database); $result = $section->load($id); if (!$result) { trigger_error("Unknown section: {$id}", E_USER_WARNING); return false; } $sections[$id] =& $section; } return $sections[$id]; } }